Time to get away from the city and head to the mountains...
for some eating...
and maybe a couple of beers.
Few things make me happier than having a beer in hand and some meat on the grill with weather that lets you wear shorts and a long sleeve shirt
mmmmm spare ribs, sausages, and a giant fish sausage...wait did I just say fish sausage? How does that song by the Vapors go?
Dinner is served. The first night was just Aya, Kinoto, and myself, but everyone else joined us the next day.
Koi no bori - or carp streamer (wind sock). These are flown to celebrate children's day. In Takanecho everyone donates theirs to the town once their kids grow up and they are all flown together in the valley to celebrate the occasion
The idyllic landscape of Japan - a tanada, or rice terrace, and the early bloom of plums...according to Miyakoda-san. No arguments here.
Aya in front of yellow flowers seems to becoming a theme
The view of the surrounding mountains from the top of the hill
A better perspective of how many Koi no bori are flown in the valley for this celebration
Aya, Yuri, Kinoto, and I finally finished this puzzle!!! Now that it is finally finished we can say thanks mom.
Disc golf with Aya & Yuri
A short, wide open 9 hole course, but by far the most beautiful I have ever played
View of Fuji-san from the disc golf course
More grilling...fish for now
Yuri & Kinoto's turn - time for beef & vegetables
Here I am. Here I am. Take a picture of me!!!
No party in Kiyosato is complete until you pull out the magnum of local wine. This is also when the pictures stop.