Over the winter holiday Aya and I spent a day at the Ueno Zoo, the oldest zoo in Japan. Since the zoo was built in 1882, the animal enclosures tend to be more cage like than most modern zoos but the newer exhibits incorporate more modern "habitat" enclosures.
With an entry fee of 600 yen for adults the Zoo is one of the best deals in town
hoo-hoo you looking at (I can't help it)
this guy was just lamping and seemed to be watching the people more closely than most people were watching him
I find watching gorillas fascinating. This guy was obviously the dominant silverback. At one point he charged straight towards the glass making many people take a step back...
then he just sat in front of the window with his back to everyone and ate. I have no doubt he knew exactly what he was doing. It was awesome.
Watching this lion stretch reminded me of the way Willie stretches. Of course the next thought in Willie's head isn't how do I get to that guy and eat him. At least I hope not.
Aya likes the elephants. It's funny that Elephant is 'Zo' in Japanese so it is one of the few animal names I can remember.
I like watching the monkeys. Aya says it is because I am one
Thank goodness Panda's are vegetarian
This pagoda was originally built in 1631, and later rebuilt after being destroyed by fire. In 1958 is was donated to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and became part of the Zoo grounds.