Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big America going fast

In sad news today the Big America Texas Burger supply is rapidly diminishing. After record sales of 28 billion yen (a little over $280 million US) for McDonalds on its first day of sales, January 15th, McDonalds is running out of ingredients to prepare the burger. They just can't keep enough fried onions, or special BBQ sauce in the stores to satisfy demand for the burger. They have actually had to limit the daily supply to a set number of burgers at each participating location. I now plan to get up early and go to each McDonalds and buy all of their Big Texas Burgers and then sit in the front window and eat them all. I cannot think of a better way to reinforce the stereotype of overweight, fastfood consuming Americans. This is the sign notifying disappointed Japanese that I have eaten all of the burgers for the day. Please do not worry though this is just the first burger in the Big America series so I still have "The Burger New York" with monterey jack cheese, bacon, tomato, lettuce, & grainy mustard; "The California Burger" with spicy cheese, bacon, tomato, lettuce, & a special sauce made with red wine from California; and finally "The Hawaiian Burger" with a fried egg, special gravy, & lettuce with american cheese. For those not paying attention the ingredient that makes all of these American is bacon. I can't argue with that logic. The only thing better than bacon is bacon fried bacon. Gotta go I am starving.


  1. Im not sure about bacon fried bacon, but I can get you a recipe for chicken fried bacon if you want.

  2. No - what you are looking for is the 'bacon explosion'...its an explosion of meat and fat, but in your mouth. See attached -
