Thursday, April 8, 2010

The 'hood

Some photos from a day of wandering around the neighborhood and surrounding area about 2 weeks ago. Sorry the blog had been neglected, but work had been a bit hectic. That is me with the bike. A lot changes in 4 months.
A horror movie should be made about this "welcome" statue

So which room is mine?

Interesting rice shop

Interesting parking place

Garden shop

No fried chicken & collards. Just different types of curries. For some reason I thought I may find a 60 year old 300 lb. black woman that would be my momma in Tokyo.

1 comment:

  1. The 'group of maiko' are not maiko at all- can't you tell they are older women? They aren't even Geisha. Just women dressed up for a festival. The white face and fixed hair is a traditional beauty symbol, it's not just extended to the Maiko and Geisha.
