Saturday, July 14, 2012


For our anniversary (2 months ago) Aya and I took a day trip to Chichibu to see Hitsuji Yama Koen (Sheep Mountain Park), famous for the carefully crafted field of creeping phlox which lies in the mountain valley
Thanks to the logistics of coming to the US for our wedding, as long as we are in Japan we will be able to enjoy spring blooms and an almost week long holiday for our anniversary.  

Unfortunately, as you can see in the background it is also a holiday for everyone else in Japan.

Which way should we go?

Fun with photo settings

A very beautiful setting, which explains why it is such a popular destination this time of year

According to the website we missed the prime bloom by about 3 days which may be the reason for some of the green patches?

Self photo - if you look close you will notice the special shape I created the night before to celebrate our special day (hint- just above and to the right of my head)

People also still enjoy the cherry blossoms

Aya and a field of daisy's

Me and the same field of daisy's

An adult beverage at dusk on the roof of our apartment after a long day at the park

Dinner at an Israeli restaurant to get our ethnic fix.  It is not easy to find hommos or falafel in Tokyo, but if you look hard enough and ignore the price you can find anything you crave.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were talking about the baby carriage beside Aya's head!!! I think this is the shape you should be going for! XOXOXO
