Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Vacation in Kiyosato

From August 10th to the 15th we escaped the heat and bustle of Tokyo for the cool and calm of Kiyosato
Miyakoda-san shows off his flower arrangement, and his bulging bicep

 3 arrangements Aya and I made mostly from grasses we found in a field near the house

Miyakoda-san's 'natural style' arrangement blends in with mountain landscape

nothing says class like a budweiser christmas stein vase (pronounced vahz)

time for a few afternoon beers.  Compai!!! 

 Fishing in a small pond near the mountain house

 Aya jokingly called it 'Avatar Pond' because it felt so lush and there was so much wildlife, including some huge fish

We could see a bunch of fish, including large carp and a few trout...but I guess they could see us to because they were not biting.

Yoshiko-san explores the pond, and points out all of the fish Miyakoda-san and I are not catching

Yoshiko-san tries to teach us how this works

 After a few hours of unsuccessful fishing in the pond we decide to move on and scout a new spot on the river

 This area of the river is stocked, and for a small fee you can fish your allotted pool, for 2 hours

So they next day we return with Kinoto to try our 'luck' on the river.  For about $35 they will put 15 trout in your pool and give you 2 poles and 2 hours to fish.  Not a bad deal considering you get to have 2 hours of fun, and keep all the fish you catch.

It doesn't take Kinoto long to catch the first rainbow

Then a second

Aya with her first catch, and her first catch of the day - heyooooooo

 Miyakoda-san walks out on the weir to get a better angle on the fish.

You can see all of the pools and people fishing upstream of us.  The nice thing about being at the bottom is that you get a chance to catch the fish that escape the upstream pools

My first catch of the day

 Aya's second catch of the day

 Yoshiko-san decides to give it a try

Another catch for Miyakoda-san

And it does not take long for her first catch 

 Time to count our fish and head home.  In about an hour and half we landed 12 rainbows. Not a bad deal for $36.
In typical Miyakoda fashion we are the last to leave (after catching a few fish from the surrounding pools)

Kinoto guts the fish, Aya skewers them, and Yoshiko-san seasons them while Miyakoda-san and I prepare a roasting fire

Time to do some grilling 

Flip it once 
The first batch of grilled trout, looks delicious.  So how is it everyone?

I think Yoshiko-san is enjoying her's  

 Kinoto likes it

mmmmmmmmmm..... seems everyone likes it and is not afraid to eat like a bear
Except for Miyakoda-san who likes to be sophisticated and eat his meal with utensils...there is a first time for everything.

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